Defi Gladiators project leads Keyser and Maximus explain their team’s ambitious project and its upcoming launch on the Avalanche Blockchain. If successful, Defi Gladiators will be a community-driven powerhouse that will focus on the fight for decentralised financial freedom and crypto equality for all who enter their colosseum

The team describe themselves as “crypto and people maxis”, with a firm belief in a multi-chain future. Collectively drawing experience from both real-life and crypto industry investment knowledge, they certainly have a lot of bases covered with the team forming an alluring blend of skills, talent and expertise. Exactly what is needed to fight for victory in the ever-growing NFT space.

Both new and old investors are welcomed with open arms and by doing so, Defi Gladiators hope to foster a positive environment that will benefit not only their community but also the thriving Avalanche scene along the way. They will be developing and later publishing their own web applications, analytic tools and in-house educational courses that will be readily available for holders and members of their social platforms.

All of the 5,555 NFTs are hand-drawn by the project’s lead artist Yamajii89, and his style is both visually appealing and distinctive. It draws from over 80 unique attributes, among them Avalanche branded clothing, lasers, funky headwear and even pizza. The NFTs themselves will represent a lifetime membership to events and rewards that will not just be limited to the blockchain. They have plans for exclusive IRL events, unprecedented collaborations and engaging learning opportunities. 

Kalao has been chosen as the project’s main marketplace and they are currently in verification talks for the collection post-mint. Royalties will be available through Kalao with each piece subject to a 5% reflection on the final sale price, broken down as follows: 2% to the original minter, 2% allocated to the community wallet and 1% for the development team.

If the project is successful in its goal of creating a collaborative and thriving community, it has the potential to evolve into a great place for learning, launching ideas and meeting with like-minded people within the Avalanche community. 

Get your weapons ready and enter the arena. Follow Defi Gladiators on Twitter.


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