Police & Thief have a simple goal, to create the most successful and innovative P2E environment on the Avalanche Network. They are taking the hugely successful “wolf game” and adapting it to their own unique style. 

There are some exciting components to this project, it certainly has a high risk and high reward element that will attract many people to the project. For example, after the initial minting stage, there is a 10% chance that any Gen 1 NFT that you mint with $LOOT will be stolen by other actors before you have a chance to claim it, along with some other interesting Police vs Thief staking dynamics that make you think very carefully about your assessment of risk.

Gen 0 will start with 10,000 characters mintable for 2 AVAX and Gen 1 will follow shortly after with 40,000 NFTs available only via the in-game token $LOOT. However, you’ll need to watch your back when holding $LOOT, even if you’re on the Thief or Police team. 

There is a 10% chance of minting a Police NFT, and depending on the Alpha Rating of that character you have a higher chance of stealing Gen 1 NFTs or collecting more $LOOT when taking bribes or catching Thieves.

Thieves will passively earn $LOOT while they are staked, at a rate of 10,000 per day, however, it is when you get to the Harvest and Unstaking areas that things become riskier. Do you Harvest and collect only 80% of your earnings (with a mandatory 20% Police bribe applied and shared amongst other staked Police)? Or do you Unstake without a bribe and take 50/50 odds that you will get either 100% of your $LOOT or perhaps 0%? 

Judging by the project goals, participants in the project will eventually be able to stake not only Police & Thief NFTs, but also NFTs from other blockchains. This aspect is intriguing, perhaps this will create a new way to finally use some of your archived PFP NFTs that have no utility and allow you to earn dividends in AVAX, ETH and USDC.

The lore of the project is explained in further detail in their whitepaper. We send our pre-emptive condolences to Joe Bank, as the Thieves are definitely coming.

Are you joining in on the Heist? Be sure to follow Police & Thief on Twitter


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