According to, the market cap of Avalanche NFT projects is roughly $74 million as of Jan 2022, and it was almost non-existent this time last year. This shows that there is tremendous growth happening within the Avalanche ecosystem in regards to NFTs.

Looking to the future, we asked some key Avalanche community influencers what they think is in store for 2022 in the ever-growing NFT scene.

Q: The Avalanche NFT space is becoming more and more exciting as new projects launch. What are your predictions for the growth of the Avalanche NFT space in 2022?


Founder of Avaware and a certified pillar of the Avalanche community. 

“I think we’re going to see a lot of innovation from existing teams already building on Avalanche as well as see this increasing trend of NFT, GameFi, and DeFi projects making the move to Avalanche. 

We’re seeing a lot of brand new users, users that have never used DeFi at all before, so I think the Learn 2 Earn and other educational solutions that are popping up could play a major role in teaching this new wave of DeFi/GameFi users, I think we’ll see an increasing number of new users from the overlap that exists between Music/Art/Video and NFTs. 

I don’t think we’ll have one big significant change, I think we’re in a constant state of change and evolution and the teams/project that evolve and learn to adapt and lead this ever-changing environment will come out on top as leaders in the space.”

Follow Meta on Twitter

Don Wonton

Known for his wildly popular Tiktok videos, sage investing advice and questionable headwear choices.

“I expect that the Avalanche NFT ecosystem will grow rapidly. While we might be over the NFT mania of 2021, we’ve seen an increase in adoption with NFTs that provide utility or have a game-fi aspect like Crabada, Chikn and with DeFi Kingdoms coming over this quarter.

My prediction is that new game-fi projects continue to launch on Avalanche as well as a large number of existing ones migrating over to Avalanche to improve their user experience for their users.”

Follow Don Wonton on Twitter


President of the Avax Degen Club and community building tour-de-force.  

“With Kalao onboarding already famous artists and musicians, it’s only up from here. 

The current blue-chip NFTs will continue to gain value and become nostalgic similar to Punks on ETH. The days of a useless jpeg are over though and you better either be bringing some solid utility and community foundation or a GameFi element. 

Even the most wicked art may not do well without some form of utility. NFTs have so much potential to be more than what they are currently and it’s all being unlocked on Avalanche because of the speed, security and low tx fees.”

Follow CrypTookur and the Avax Degen Club on Twitter 


Avalanche superfan, $JOE Maxi and Trader Joe’s French Community Moderator

“2022 looks indeed really exciting regarding new projects launched on the #AVAX ecosystem and especially in relation to NFTs that are launching like PENG recently and blue-chip ones that always seek to improve like APA.

During Q1 TraderJoe will launch its very own NFT marketplace with amazing UI/UX alongside their own JOE pegs! It’s going to be an amazing project and I’m really eager to know more about it.

I really do think after Ethereum and Opensea, Avalanche can become a solid competitor with such innovators in the space!”

Follow DevilK on Twitter

We agree with all of them. 2022 is set to be an impressive year with NFTs moving away from the traditional PFP art, and having strong utility or passive income potential as they evolve. Metaverse and GameFi elements will bring new users and the continued upwards rise of Avalanche NFTs.

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