Undoubtedly, the Metaverse is a tantalizingly close reality, and as we search the snowy mountains for NFT projects that are building for the future, we sometimes strike gold.

During a recent presentation with The Peng, Head Penguin at the Avax Penguin Family, we were very impressed by their plans and took part in a Beta demonstration of their own Arctic Metaverse that’s being developed and tested pre-mint.

So many projects have ambitious plans for the future, but it is highly unusual in our experience for projects to demonstrate the actual product utility before they have minted. Their Twitter bio reads: Build first, mint after, and this is a team that definitely wants to deliver early and often, already raising the bar when it comes to NFTs and metaverse experiences within the Avalanche ecosystem. 

Our meeting was conducted virtually in the Avax Penguin Family Metaverse through a browser and it allowed us the opportunity to navigate and interact with various rooms in a new world. We thoroughly enjoyed it and looking forward to visiting the space again.

So what is the Avax Penguin Family?

Avax Penguin Family was created to showcase exciting NFT experiences, decentralised meetups and promote social interaction within the Avalanche Ecosystem. The team is focused on fast deployment and testing, engaging with the community and creating a cool place to hang out and learn about the latest Avalanche projects. They even have interactive rooms dedicated to some of the best aspects of the Avalanche Experience, for example using Benqi directly from their metaverse!

There was a wave of pixel art in 2021, and we believe many of these projects are part of a “pixel art renaissance period”, that we will see in the museums of the future. Nostalgic and fun for all involved. Only a small number of these projects offer actual utility and could have been so much more. Avax Penguin Family has great utility plans and is already a working product. With supercharged social features, their Metaverse has a game-like feel that will take many owners back to their childhood, and perhaps a place to make new friends.

Mint details are a closely guarded secret, we know that there will be 5,555 Penguins available to mint but we don’t know how much they will cost or when the project will drop. We do expect the project to launch in early Q1 2022 and will be closely following for updates. You will be able to mint your NFT metaverse character during this stage and interact with other holders as this NFT via text, audio and video. 

Later down the line, you will be able to integrate other NFTs into the metaverse environment through additional collaborations and we believe this is just the beginning of this exciting project and cannot wait to see how it develops.

Follow The Peng Family and get ready to explore!


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