The staff at AvaxNFTS are first and foremost, NFT collectors. With this in mind, we always strive to provide unbiased and fact-based project overviews on our site. During one of our recent Twitter Family Spaces, a question was asked on how we “grade” and decide to cover or invest in certain projects.

We mentioned that our team has an internal Project Grading Sheet and to ensure we safeguard the community and teach them basic investment principles, we believed it needed to be shared.

Our private Discord members have mentioned that the PGS is an excellent “pre mint” scorecard for focusing your attention in the right areas, during the initial evaluation of projects and that is exactly what it was intended to do when we created it.

In light of this we have decided to release it publicly so we could help the wider NFT community and receive more valuable feedback to improve it further.

Follow this link to gain access to the Project Grading Sheet.

Instructions for use:

  1. Follow the link and make your own copy of the Project Grading Sheet
  2. Select a project that is at the pre-mint stage and proceed to enter its name in the section marked ** Insert Project Name **
  3. Next, head over to the Grading Criteria Tab.
  4. The aim is to change the number in the Green sections depending on your assessment of the criteria in the Orange sections, with 1 being the lowest and 9 being the highest score possible. Be as objective as possible here.
  5. When you have interacted with all of the Green sections make your way back to the main Project Grading tab.
  6. You should see that your project has a Points Scored of X amount from a total of 198 possible points. 
  7. Take the Points scored number and match it up to the Chart at the bottom and you will have generated a Grade between C- & A+

As this was originally an internal document it is a little rough and ready. But like any trusted tool, it will perform when needed. Please get in touch with any feedback you have after using the form, we are very interested in any suggestions you have.

Come and join in with the community in our Discord Server and let us know what is your highest grade project on Twitter!


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