Avax Machina is the first Avalanche NFT project from AvaxNFTs and we knew that we had to provide clear and accurate rarity information for the collection. When it comes to a trusted third party, AvaxRarity certainly comes highly recommended and has been utilised by a number of notable projects.

We want to run through some of the services that AvaxRarity provided to the Avax Machina project, some of them as part of their standard package and others more bespoke in the hope that it may help future projects provide a full suite of features to their communities and to demonstrate what the AvaxRarity team are capable of achieving.

Having a clear, concise and easy to understand rarity is a must-have for any NFT project, it allows holders and potential buyers to make informed decisions about the project. We have all heard the horror stories of people unknowingly selling Legendaries for floor price because important data wasn’t readily available or difficult to understand.

AvaxRarity has recently launched their brand new website, it’s a perfect showcase for the Avax Machina project and is packed full of useful information and features.

One of Avax Machina’s core utilities is the Prime Number Market Cap Giveaway, where 15 AVAX is airdropped to a random Avax Machina holder each time the Avalanche Market Cap reaches a Prime Number billion from 23 Billion all the way up to 97 Billion. Further details and a full explanation is located here

To ensure that this process was fair and transparent, we engaged AvaxRarity to create a custom discord bot, named MC. This bot is able to make announcements in channels when a PNMC is hit, take a snapshot of current holders and then randomly select a wallet to receive the 15 AVAX airdrop. We also have the ability to re-roll the selection if it happens to select a wallet that is not eligible, such as Kalao or one of our team wallets.

We recently engaged MC to provide us with a wallet during our Live Discord Party and we are happy to announce that the first of many 15 AVAX airdrops was credited to a winner’s wallet, transaction details can be found here
Discussing our vision for the future of Avax Machina lead AvaxRarity to create our second custom discord bot, packed with multiple features. AvaxRarity Bot is able to accept requests to provide rarity scores in the dedicated Rarity channel, verify holders and grant access rights to our exclusive Alpha Holders Chat and will be able to act as a verified voting system when we engage the community to vote on future plans for the project.
In summary, we really enjoyed working hand-in-hand with the AvaxRarity team during the development of Avax Machina and would highly recommend that you get in touch with them if you require any of the features we have listed. 

Come and check out the new features in our Discord and make sure to follow AvaxRarity on Twitter!


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